I bought the aluminum roller from Amazon UK, and I’m very satisfied with it. When I first saw this, I realized it was a modern version of Chinese bao dong balls, which are two or three balls that you roll around in your hand. The Chinese say that these affect acupuncture points, but it’s more likely that they just provide subtle pressure to nerves in your hands and fingers.
A device like this is easier to use because you can put it flat on your desk when you’re not using; I have a pair of jade bao dong balls and they tend to roll around if you put them on a flat surface.
The weight of this is about 10% more than what the specs show: 188g compared to 6oz, or 168g. This is a nice weight, but I would like something a little bit heavier. The stainless steel model, which seems to be twice as heavy, would probably be too much; I would buy the titanium model, but it’s not sold in the UK, and shipping from the US is prohibitively expensive. I would certainly like the titanium finish more than the aluminum finish.
In any case, this is an interesting device that I can use in my home office when I’m on meetings, recording, podcasts, or brainstorming.